3 Tips To Boost Your Self Esteem

“To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.” ~ Denis Waitley

Possibly the most important part of the role that your self-concept has in determining your performance and behavior, is the impact of your self-esteem in determining everything that happens to you.

Most psychologists agree that self-esteem is the critical determining factor of a healthy personality. The best definition of self-esteem is, “how much you like yourself.” When you like and respect yourself, you always perform and behave better than if you did not.

The more you like yourself, the more confidence you have. The more you like yourself, the more efficient and effective you are in each area of your life. Self-esteem is the key to peak performance.

Your self-esteem is so important to your emotional health that almost everything you do is aimed at either increasing your feelings of self-esteem and personal value, or protecting it from being decreased by other people or circumstances. Self-esteem, the feeling of liking and respecting yourself, is the key principle of success and happiness. It is vital for you to feel fully alive.

If low self-esteem has you feeling uninspired, there are brighter days ahead. You have the power to renew your ego within a matter of days. You may need to put in a little bit of work to overcome the obstacles in the way of elevating your rising self-esteem, but your efforts will certainly be worth it.

I’m sure all of us have had situations where we may have had something that didn’t go as planned or failed at something we attempted to achieve. During those times, we may feel defeated and temporarily lose confidence in our ability. This time where our self worth is deflated will be a time when we may become less involved with our team or business or become less decisive.

So, the key is to make sure that these periods do NOT last very long and we do whatever is needed to get back on the right track.

Please watch the following video ”Self Esteem” featuring the great Brian Tracy and enjoy..


These tips will help you develop a healthy ego boost:

1. Consider your needs.. Do what makes you happy without allowing what others may think about you or your decisions to deter you. Once you stop worrying about keeping up with appearances, your mind and soul will be free.

  • Living without fear of judgment will allow you to open doors that were once only a dream. Often, you’ll even find that your financial situation will improve because you aren’t making expensive purchases to keep up appearances.
  • Sometimes, family can be your biggest judgment worry. If this is your situation, learn to set boundaries and allow the negativity to roll off. Occasionally, it may be helpful to listen to the advice of family members, but when that advice turns to criticism or begins to run your life, remember to put yourself first.

2. Determine Your Values.. .. Living your life consistent with your deepest values is essential for you to enjoy high self-esteem

  • People who are clear about what they believe in and value, and who refuse to compromise their values like and respect themselves far more than people who are unclear about what is really important to them.
  • The very act of living your life consistent with your values, and using your time effectively and well, improves your self-image, builds your self-esteem and self-confidence, and increases your self-respect.

3. Surround yourself with positivity.. Surround yourself with people who care and appreciate you. If your friends, family and co-workers (business partners) are constantly giving you unwarranted criticism, this can undoubtedly lead to low self-esteem. Have a talk with the people in your life about how negatively their critical comments affect you; if they truly care for you, they’ll put a stop to it immediately.

Once you surround yourself with positive thoughts and think in terms of success, it will be time for you to go back to the tasks that have become obstacles.

You are what you think about most of the time, so fill your mind with positive thoughts

  • Some people are simply hardwired to dish out negativity. If your circle includes people like this, you may have to distance yourself a bit from the negative influences in your life. Seek out positive, enthusiastic people with a positive outlook on life. You want to surround yourself with people like that in order to succeed.  You can also read motivational books or listen to motivational tapes or watch motivational videos.
  • Of course, your loved ones aren’t required to praise you in order to be on your priority list, but your efforts to give yourself a healthy ego boost will fall short if you’re constantly being torn down by the negativity of others.
  • Rediscover an old hobby or find a new one. By involving yourself with something you enjoy, you’re creating your own positivity. You’ll feel better about yourself as you increase your happiness.

Developing a healthy ego may seem like a simple concept, but many people struggle with insecurity and self-doubt. However, if you’re able to effectively implement the tips above, you’ll notice your self-esteem rise quickly. Remember, you’re worth the effort and your contribution is important to the world.

I hope you got some great value out of this post today! Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.

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To your success,

Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

The Science of Self-Confidence Training Kit

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

33 Replies to “3 Tips To Boost Your Self Esteem”

  1. Marc awesome post my friend. This to covers all the bases for ramping up your belief and your performance. That video was great to find out that W.Clement Stone used simple affirmations to help amass his fortune was quite a shock. This doesn’t have to be mystical and complicated to work.


    • Hi Steve,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Brian’s videos are always full of great nuggets that can help your performance immediately. Always best to keep it simple and people will see excellent results.

      To your continued success,

  2. Great job Marc, I was mesmerized from start to finish.
    As Steve said, this article covered all the bases. Home Run 🙂

    Marc, if you don’t mind me saying. (Not like you can respond until after I post it)
    The only bad thing about this article was the excessive bolding of your keywords. You will be
    penalized by the search engines for this. You should limit it to 2 or 3 times per article. Shoot
    me a message on Facebook or Twitter and I’ll let you know what other things I noticed that you
    can do to improve your SEO.


    • Hey John,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m happy that you found value in the post..
      Thanks for the tip on the excessive bolding of the keywords. I am usually mindful of that, but got a bit carried away.

      But, I did go back and make some adjustments to the post. I will definitely shoot you a message on FaceBook for some additional feedback.

      To your continued success,

  3. Really enjoyable post Marc – terrific end to the week. I have been a fan of Brian Tracy for years so you couldn’t have picked a better video. Re self-confidence – I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years and the confidence factor comes up again and again when it comes to who makes it and who doesn’t. Great advice – thanks!

    • Hi Marquita,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m happy that you enjoyed the post. Self confidence is one of those areas that many entrepreneurs can easily overlook as a reason for their lack of success or achieving their goals.

      They may realize that they don’t like to stray out of their comfort zone or that they may be afraid of change or that they procrastinate, but are they aware that they may be able to overcome these fears with some simple self confidence boosting?

      To your success,

  4. Hi Marc,

    I love how Brian Tracy guides people towards having more holistic levels of success rather than just in a few areas. Self esteem is a critical one few actively concentrate on.

    I believe one should also introduce a measure of balance and checks to keep self esteem above and below a certain threshold. A big ego also makes one as obnoxious and repulsive as a continual downer.

    Great writing.


    • Hey Yasser,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Yes, Brian offers a wide range of tips, training and techniques from so many important areas of self development.

      Self confidence is often overlooked, but one of the areas that can be addressed and improved quite quickly with various tweaks in our mindset and people would see dramatic improvements.

      Like so many things, moderation is best and there should be a balance. The extremes in either direction aren’t always the most desirable.

      To your success,

  5. Marc,
    Thank you so much for your networking dedication , your quality content, your excellent work with TSA and your great blog layout! I am sorry that i have not been able to get my blog ready for TSA syndication. I have been divided so I hope to get my comments box correct on it and then doing the excel spread sheet. But i wanted to just say hi and finally get over to your blog.
    I’ll figure this out.
    Blessings Marc… Keep up the great work! You are very good at all this!

    Caryn Elizabeth

    • Hi Caryn Elizabeth,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m so happy that you enjoyed your visit to my blog. I always take my time to make sure that I research and offer the best value that I can.

      I know your blog will also offer great content and I look forward to visiting your blog very soon..

      To your continued success,

  6. Marc,
    fantastic video and this just supports my way of life. Positive affirmations daily, will keep you in an attitude of empowerment. You can accomplish anything and will.

    This is a great tool to share with others and give them a chance to improve the quality in life. All should take another look at that video, which is priceless.

    Marc, always bringing quality usable information we can use now. I love your energy and wish you well…

    Very Truly Yours…

    • Hey Bill,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I am very partial to Brian Tracy videos and I have been an Affiliate for some time and was part of Brian’s iLearningGlobal organization.

      Positive affirmations and a positive mindset will certainly empower people to overcome many obstacles and enable them to reach their goals and dreams.

      When you develop a strong sense of yourself and are supremely self confident, your whole world will change and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

      To your continued inspiration,

  7. I always like Marshall Sylver’s line, “Fail forward fast”. Make a mistake, learn form it, and move on. I think that is why so many people have that dislike of themself. They fail and never forgive themself. I would personally like to state as the person who has made more mistakes than any other human alive that I am smarter from those mistakes and more confident in my abilities than ever before. I know which way not to turn and it gives me a tremendous amount of confidence in what I do.

    • Hey Andy,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Well said… making mistakes is very liberating and empowering. Too many people are so fearful of making mistakes that they become paralyzed and make no decisions at all…
      Not exactly a recipe for success.

      As long as we learn from our mistakes and don’t repeat them and don’t dwell on them and continue to move forward, we can gain the self confidence to fulfill our dreams and desires.

      To your continued success,

  8. Hey Marc,

    Stay positive is detrimental to your self esteem, positive affirmations can do so much for you if you consciously accept them and have strong emotion behind it. Brian Tracy rocks and has great personal development information, we’re learning from the RIGHT guy :). Keep up with the good content Marc!

    Brandon Wraith
    Knowledge is POWER

  9. Hi Marc,

    Confidence, a positive attitude and application, putting into action those strong affirmations that we adhere to, are all important principles to success and to creating the business and life we envision. All it takes is focus, persistence and commitment… what a bonus! I really enjoy reading your posts and the value you bring to the table… so, thank you for another great post Marc!

  10. We all see this every day:

    “Some people are simply hardwired to dish out negativity.”

    I have found that to be very true. I run into people daily who always seem to have a negative comment or some sort of “downer” to pass along. I agree with the advice above – you can love these people and do your best to brighten their day, but don’t spend a lot of time hanging out with them. They will just drag you down.

  11. Hi Marc,
    Love this ! It’s definately downside to many people to underestimate and “look down” on ourselves ! Even the ones we think are so sure of themselves and seem to be doing great.
    I have one very simple way of boosting up ourselves: go to in front of a mirrow – every morning – look yourself in the eye and say: “You are GREAT ! You’re Good Girl/Guy ! You’re Fantastic !”
    You can start with that and notice how good that little thing feels. On top of that, learn Tapping and Tap these same things into your being…

  12. Just discussing self-esteem today with a business associate and here I found your most excellent post about the subject. Between you and Brian you’ve covered the subject. As human beings we must consistently reinforce our self-esteem and our worthiness.

    Thanks for a great post. I’ve shared it on my FB page.


  13. Pingback: HowCan Positive Self Talk Help You Achieve Your Goals ? | Success One Day At A Time

  14. Hi Marc. Thanks for the share. I found this article is really useful for me to help my friend who was running low on his self esteem despite of a great potential he had in himself actually.

  15. Hi Marc,
    It is a very nice and informative post.Thanks for sharing 3 tips for boosting selfesteem.These tips are very helpful and I like your point the most is to determine our values.

  16. I am finding self esteem is low in many people these days.

    Your post was and is profound, if you are not where you are at or are experiencing hurdles in your life it,
    change it!

    Negativity creeps in your mind and the mind is powerful!

    Personal development is huge and I say surround yourself around positive people and positive energy, thoughts, and readings.

    Wonderful read Marc!

  17. Hello Marc

    As the credit card company says Priceless, you have shared Priceless information that makes a difference in everyone’s life. Your video of Brian Tracy was on target about self esteem. He reminded me what W Clement Stone used to create his legacy. Living without fear of judgment does open many doors and it is something that most people have to deal with.


    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City

  18. Marc,
    I especially liked tip # 3. It’s hard for you to lift yourself out of a “rut” if you are surrounded by negativity. You need positivity around you to stay positive. Great tips here, thanks for sharing 🙂

  19. The hardest thing for me is surrounding myself with positivity. My family is positive, but the people we are related to, are not. But I am convinced that if I stick with my plan of oozing positivity, they will either become positive or tend to drop away from my inner circle.

    Thanks for the great post.

  20. Hey Marc,

    I appreciate that you also mapped out tips for keeping your self esteem boosted, it is important to not only know why but how to do something…..

    I believe that this is one of the key responsibilities we have as leaders as well…. to help other people’s self esteem…. I recently wrote a review about a book that talks about this subject.. I think we are obligated to lift other people up as well, it all comes back to you.


  21. Hi Mark,

    I really like this information. When I was growing up my self esteem was bad. Now its better, but I need still some help to every so often. Where can I get either of your books. Theyb sound good to read up on.

    *The image of the cat really good 🙂


  22. Hi Marc,

    great food for thought.
    Love your articles and the message of the video.

    Calling our self esteem our “Inner Mirror” makes a lot of sense to me. Personally I would use the affirmation in this wording: ‘ More and more am I liking myself and I feel healthy happy and terrific” , because for me that eliminates doubt, etc.

    Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Love and Joy

  23. Pingback: The Confidence Factor | Personal Assessment By Brian Tracy | Success One Day At A Time

  24. I am really suprised to see so many people here all looking for the same thing …. It relieves me to see that i’m not the only one with this problem …. I think we should be supportive with each other … Well i dont dare talk about it with people in my daily life because you cant trust that they will be supportive about it …
    There should be some way we could build a support group with those who are willing …. I think its worth a try …

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