Personal Self Development Basics and Personal Growth

“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.” ~ John C. Maxwell

Personal development has become increasingly popular in today’s hectic world for everything from career improvement and weight loss to public speaking. While the methods and tools used to achieve the desired personal development goals may vary from high priced seminars to moderately priced books and CD’s, there are a number of basic steps that can be taken to get you started on the right path to help you achieve success..

Identify the Cause

A good starting point with personal development is to look at how you got to where you are right now. For example, if your area of personal improvement relates to parenting,then look at what factors contributed to your issues to start with. Write down a detailed list of what you think contributed to the problem and then analyze how you can change each factor to get the result you desire.

Goal Setting

It is essential to have a clear goal in mind to achieve your own individual personal development requirements. Ask yourself exactly what it is that you wish to achieve and the more defined and clear your goal the more chance you will have of successfully reaching that goal.

Make a Plan

Once you have decided on your goal..formulate an action plan that details the steps you will take to reach your goal. Use the details you discovered when identifying the cause of the problem. Then, expand on these to include as much detail as possible on how you can achieve your personal development objective.

Focus and Commitment

Once you know your goal and have formulated your plan.. you need to focus on your goal and commit to the plan if you want to reach your desired results.

Set aside a certain amount of time each day to work on your plan and do not allow yourself to be distracted by daily events and follow through with your plan. Once you learn to work on your plan each day,it will become a habit and it will become much easier for you to accomplish.

Look for Inspiration

One of the best things you can do is to look for inspiration from friends, family or Associates that have faced and overcome the same personal development challenges. This WILL benefit you greatly. You can also receive tips and advice in the form of books, seminars, or courses.

Listen to the amazing John Maxwell as he speaks about “Increasing Your Personal Growth Environment” in the video below..



Personal development and self improvement is about identifying areas of your life that you would like to change for the better. You must have an attitude of continual self-improvement. No matter which area of your life you are determined to improve, if you follow the steps outlined above and commit to the plan.. you WILL be assured of achieving your goals.

Every time you overcome a challenge and succeed, you will gain the confidence you need to achieve new personal development goals. Plus, each time it will be quicker and easier.

Hope you got some great value out of this post today! Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.
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To your success,

Marc Korn
Network Marketing Coach
Serial Entreprenuer
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

Visit Brian Tracy International

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

26 Replies to “Personal Self Development Basics and Personal Growth”

  1. Personal growth is an awesome subject. Personal development and self improvement is with us from the day we are born and something that should be identified and taught from youth this would help our children become better adults. Thanks for the blog

    • Hi Ross,

      Thanks for stopping by to comment.
      Personal Development is an awesome subject and without continuous learning and self improvement, it is difficult to grow and reach your goals.

      Agreed, if this were taught from youth in the School curriculum, the youth of today would be better prepared to handle every day life situations.

      I look forward to visiting your blog…
      To your success,

  2. Marc, your listing of the basic steps to be in a personal development program are excellent. Then you cap it off with John Maxwell and his list of items in a personal growth environment. Thanks for this information.

    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City USA

    • Hi Perry,

      Thanks for dropping by to comment…I appreciate it.

      For anyone to reach their ultimate success in ANY endeavor, whether it is career, family, relationships, etc…we must always be working on self improvement and that starts with understanding the basic concepts of personal development..

      To your continued success,

  3. Hi Marc,
    Focus, Commitment, and Inspiration are important ingredients in a personal development pie. The focus is key because life holds so many distractions that working on self can easily be pushed aside in favor of handling daily emergencies. And I love the advice about looking for inspiration. If we only look to the people or things we are familiar with how will we challenge ourselves and find those little magic moments that remind us we can be more? Powerful post, thanks for sharing it! Allegra

    • Hi Allegra,

      Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

      We certainly need to stretch our limits by sometimes moving out of our comfort zone in order to grow and become the best we can be.

      Inspiration can come from unexpected places, so we always have to be open to learn and grow. But, once you have a plan and work it daily so it becomes a routine, there will be no stopping us..

      To your continued success,

  4. It is amazing how much this post describes my situation. At the end of last year, when I evaluated my year and started planning for this year, I came to the conclusion that it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to reach beyond my personal boundaries. In order to achieve my very aggressive goal I hired a coach. Guess what, my coach used to be the CIO for John Maxwell. He is a very successful internet marketer and it turns out that that was the best thing I could have done. I am well on my way and staying focused is so much easier when you work with someone who holds you accountable.

    • Hi Karin,

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment….what a great story and very inspiring.

      It is wonderful to see when someone takes responsibility and decides to create change in their life and grow to new heights.

      Good for you and it is a great idea, not only to have a Coach and Mentor, but to have an accountability Coach is the best…

      Keep up the GREAT work!!

      To your continued success,

  5. You did a good article. The personal development is very important, especialy when we want to work on mlm company or own a business.

    We need to know about us to. Learning what are ours dreams and strengh can give us a good focus and make us ready to jump in the life.

    This week I was on a course about aboriginal in the army and in the society. It was awsome. I learn a lot about them and what we can do to help us. I will finish an article about this subject.

    W talk about the wheel of life. Every oart of our life need to be at 100% to be able to stay happy and focus on our dreams.

    Thank you again

    • Hi Benoit,

      Thank s for stopping by and commenting…I appreciate that.

      Personal Development is a very critical element for your overall success in Life and Business.

      If we work on ourselves EVERY day and believe in ourselves, we can accomplish anything..

      To your success,

  6. Hey Marc,

    I just love John Maxwell. Thanks for sharing this with us. Personal growth is a key foundational component to our success in life. One of my mentors always says… “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going” and I tell people… “Failure is the only option on the path to success. Defeat is not an option and when you choose it you are done.”

    Keep your dreams alive my friend.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,
    The GREAT Edward!

    • Hey Edward,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      John Maxwell has long been one of my favorites and I have been posting his inspirational “One Minute” videos in TSA.

      Everything starts with self improvement and I agree 150 % that “you don’t have to get it right, just get it going”

      If you work on yourself and you are a continuous learner, the road to success will not have as many curves..

      To your continued success,

  7. Marc,
    I find it such a pleasure to be around people who are focused on self growth. First, they are just plain easier to be with. They do not lay their problems on me and they continually seek to find solutions, even mutual solutions if there is some sort of disagreement. Self growth takes work and can be painful at times. It is so much easier to just blame your current situation on someone or something else. I enjoyed your succinct explanation of what is involved in self growth.


    • Hi Erica,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I agree 110% and I have found it to be very frustrating to be exposed to those that are all about negativity and would rather complain than do something or anything to correct the situation.

      It is a blessing to be exposed to so many of the TSA Community members that understand the importance of self improvement and personal growth and working on yourself on a DAILY basis.

      To your massive success,

  8. Great post, Marc! I think that the personal development books that are best for me are the mindset and planning books. One helps me address the underlying causes, and the other helps me put it into action. After all, if you don’t put it into action, it’s just some feel-good stuff that never really helps you get anywhere.

    • Hey Steve,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Welcome to the TSA Community.

      It is so important to work on your personal growth on a daily basis. I couldn’t agree more, with all the great self improvement information out there, it is like anything else in life…if you don’t take action, you won’t realize your dreams and goals.

      To your massive success,

  9. Hi Marc,

    you have definitely covered the basics of Personal Growth in your article.
    Most of my life I have read books, seen counsellors and done coaching to help myself to live more of the life I want to live, since I grew up with lots of abandonment issues and conditioning which needed to be reframed.
    Well, the gritt in the oyster form a pearl.

    And yes, yes, yes and yes – wouldn’t it be nice if personal growth was part of the curriculum in schools.

    Thank you for the food for thought.

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  13. Maybe it is my own bias, but I believe that personal growth is the core of ANYTHING in your life you want to achieve. Without it, it is like a broken record, you seem to go around in circles making the same mistakes.
    This post is an excellent overview of what it entails to grow. I a sure it will help many understand the importance of self knowledge BEFORE they venture into a new business. To me it saves time and money.

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