Life/Work Balance or Stress ? | 10 Tips To Achieve Balance In Your Life

“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.” ~ Brian Tracy

There is no perfect answer to the key question of  how to achieve life/work balance in our lives, but there are a number of ideas and actions that can help you to do more in the areas that are important to you. These ideas often require changes and modifications in the way you think and use your time, but the price is well worth it and will give you more peace of mind.

First, you must plan ahead. You must be organized and prepared.

The Benefits of Achieving Life Balance:

  • Increase Your Ability To Produce Wealth.. When we exhaust our bodies and our minds, we tend to lack energy and stamina and are less able to come up with positive ways to resolve our daily challenges. Instead of  increasing our earnings, we get overwhelmed by the problems and lack the creative juices for a positive action and outcome. With the proper life balance, you can achieve your goals more easily.
  • More Fulfillment From Work.. The higher you go within your company, the more challenges you will encounter. The better you control what is within your control and maximize your ability to stay healthy, the better you will react to work challenges and feel that you are accomplishing more.
  • Improving Relationships With Family and Friends.. According to psychologist Sidney Jourard, fully 85 percent of your happiness in life will come from your personal relationships. Your interactions and the time that you spend with the people you care about will be the major source of the pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction that you derive daily. The other 15 percent of your happiness will come from your accomplishments.
  • Better Physical and Mental Health.. Stress is a fact of  life and a certain amount of stress, can even be good for you. But, too many stressful situations can prevent you from reaching your full potential. There is no magic pill to eliminate stress. It will take a determined effort on your part to control your lifestyle and to prevent stress overload.  But, you must be willing to put in the time and effort. If you can find effective ways to maximize The Four Pillars of Health: nutrition, exercise, sleep and relaxation, you will be well on your way to achieving a more balanced work/life lifestyle.

Please watch the following video by Dr. Gabriela Cora, The Official Guide to “Life Work Balance” as she explains pointers to keep the balance between life and work to maximize your health and wealth.


How To Achieve Life Balance:

1. Know Yourself.. means knowing what you really value, knowing what is really important to you.  The challenge here is to organize your life to assure that everything that you are  doing is consistent with your true values. It is critical for you to organize your life around yourself, rather than to organize yourself around the demands of your outside world.

2. Time Management.. after you have determined your values and the goals that are congruent with those values, you must set your priorities. Make a list of all the tasks that you can possibly do and then select from that list the things that are most important to you. You must also be able to decide which tasks you are going to stop doing so that you will have enough time to start doing the more important tasks. Manage your time wisely.

3. Use Your Time Wisely.. Most people are time wasters.  They waste their own time, and they waste your time as well.  To be successful and happy, you must discipline yourself to work all the time you work. If you are at the work place, I’m sure you have experienced a co-worker who will come by and want to chat.. you simply smile at them and say, “Could we talk about this later?”  Tell them that you have to get back to work. Don’t allow yourself to waste your valuable time or you will be rushing in order to complete the necessary tasks and this will just add stress to the work day. Learn the value of  saying “No”

4. Have a Plan.. By having a plan, you can follow your progress and decide whether you are achieving your desired goals. Without a plan, you will just end up busy and exhausted. Some things that you may want to consider are the following:
create deadlines for projects, focus on tasks that follow your plan and help you get closer to your ultimate goal.

5. Build solid relationships.. Have you created business and personal relationships? Your interaction with family and friends will replenish your personal happiness and energy. Protect these relationships, as they are very valuable and irreplaceable assets.

6. Rest and Relaxation.. It is important that you get enough rest and relaxation to give your body time to repair itself and give your mind time to re-focus and unwind. This is a part of achieving life balance. This is your opportunity to have some quality “Me Time” .. Take time out of your day and do something for YOU! It could be a favorite hobby, reading a good book, listening to music, etc.

7. Get Enough Sleep.. We all know that if we don’t get enough sleep, we get grouchy and irritable and perhaps don’t perform as well the next day. But, a good night’s sleep allows our body time to repair and time to maintain our muscles and vital organs. Plus,chemicals vital to the immune system are released when we sleep, so sleep is important for maintaining our immune systems and general health. It also gives our brain a break and allows it to re-focus itself.

8. Regular Exercise Routine.. Exercising is a must for busy executives and entrepreneurs. Repetitive exercises tend to be the best to help de-stress, such as using a treadmill or eliptical machine. Exercise tires your body giving it the signal to go to sleep to repair itself. But don’t exercise immediately before going to bed as your metabolism will still be pumping. Leave at least 2 hours between exercise and bedtime. There are many other relaxation techniques such as meditation, visualisation, progressive muscle relaxation and self-hypnosis that can help get you off to sleep if the above techniques don’t work.

9. Reward Yourself.. After challenging yourself to focus on your work-life balance, don’t forget to reward yourself for making an effort to change. Give yourself a treat and you will feel proud every time you look over at your reward and be motivated to keep your new healthy habits.

10. Revisit Your Plan On A Regular Basis.. Make sure to check your plan often to make sure you are working smart and on the right path. Plans are a guide and are not carved in stone. What works for you today may not work for you next year. Change offers amazing opportunities to grow and you must be ready for the challenge.

Being able to achieve life/work balance will help you get more out of lifeTake a pro-active approach to making life choices that you can be proud of.

I hope you got some great value out of this post today! Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.
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To your success,
Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

No Excuses ~ The Power of Self-Discipline

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

30 Replies to “Life/Work Balance or Stress ? | 10 Tips To Achieve Balance In Your Life”

  1. Marc,

    I have told my wife that when things are right with us then things are right with the world, and my business does better. It is amazing how that one relationship changes my perspective on the world. ‘


  2. Marc, it’s true that all of us our striving to achieve balance. I think the key is to do our best each day, with no pressure, to take all these 10 points that you are mentioning here and make sure we touch each of them.
    As I am going over you points one by one (I am taking what you are writing to heart 🙂 I am finding that I am pretty pleased. Thanks for posting the video and thanks for gathering all these great points.

    I am looking forward to read and learn more from you.
    It is great to be around inspiring people that take responsibility for their health and happiness.

    Sigal Zoldan
    Clinical Hypnotherapist & Master Results Coach

  3. Hey Marc,
    There was so much good stuff in this post I hardly know where to begin. I really connected with the ‘Know Yourself ‘section. I think this is the part that lots of people skip. I try to spend a lot of time visiting and re-visiting who I am now because I think I change over time. I am very different than I was 20 years ago and that influences my ability to maintain work/life balance and satisfaction with life now. It is easy to get caught up in doing stuff just for the sake of taking action. But the advice to organize to make sure your activity is congruent with your values is very important. Thanks for sharing and having a POWERFUL week! Allegra

  4. Hi Marc ~ Every one of these points you mention are important/key factors to help us maintain balance in our lives, and speaking from personal experience, getting out of balance, in any area, can cause stress and frustration, not to mention lack of progress! The one’s that I probably struggle with the most are #8 and #9…and believe me, I’ve been feeling it lately (lack of exercise and too much stress). Balance is essential in a health life, so true! Appreciate you sharing 🙂 Christine

  5. Ah, the ever-elusive balance of life and work for an entrepreneur lol. It’s a tricky tightrope, no doubt. But you’ve laid out all the steps needed to ensure that balance in these areas are achieved. I think that one of the most important is to reward/celebrate every single success, no matter how small…because after all, we never hesitate to get frustrated over perceived failures, no matter how small!

  6. Marc,

    There are so many scales to balance in life and you’ve hit upon most of them here. It’s quite tricky to keep them all in balance. It’s brings to mind the comedy routine with the uncooperative corpse and the frustrated undertaker. One arm is straight up and the undertakers pushes it down only to find a leg has popped up… well you get the picture. Funny bit and much like what it takes to keep all of the pieces of our lives balanced.

    Thanks for the refresher!


  7. Hi Marc,
    The starting quote was really excellent and inspiring too. Also the article was really helpful for employees.The points listed for benefits of achieving life balance were well chosen and well explained too.

  8. Hi Marc, I see that you put this all together so wonderfully. To know yourself is to me, the most important part of the whole 10 points. I find when I am working with people, if they don’t know themselves and have no clue of what they want to do, they are one of the 98% of the people who eventually give up. When a person knows themselves (which, by the way is an ongoing process), at least we can work with them coaching the direction they need to be going. Such as: are they MLM people, network marketers, internet marketers, etc. Do they want to constantly challenge that learning curve we all must go through? I can go on and on, but it seems to me this is the most important thing.
    Donna Merrill

  9. Ah, one of my favorite subjects – great article Marc! You’ve done a wonderful job of listing the tools and, and especially illustrating the reasons for working toward a more balanced lifestyle. I must admit – I’m wondering if there ever really such a thing as true work/life balance … I only say that because so many people struggle to find their passion, or focus in life. You can have the best map in the world, but if you don’t have a destination you can still end up in some place very different than you expected. Thanks for sharing this great information.

  10. What a leasson, Marc!

    There are so much points I could take up here and leave comments on… hehehe!
    In a whole this post reveals a lot about how to organize yourself for more success in your private and work life. It is a great guide to start focus on the things that matters and bring a good understanding what we have to look out for not to give up the spoon to early…

    Thx again for this massive wealth of knowledge worth sharing with otheres.

    All the best,


  11. Great post my friend.

    Balance is so important.

    I just cannot imagine what people deal with these days.
    The stress of the economic, both partners holding a job, working for someone else, having kids and More.

    It is so important to have your Dreams and pursue your goals to be free.

    Thanks for sharing Marc.

  12. Marc, you work magic with your insight, on picking the right topic for all your readers and I. Love the work ethics you have displayed with a passionate heart.

    I must say that all you have shared here is remarkable. If we follow the steps and have the support of great mentors such as yourself. All will achieve each step in reaching the ultimate goal of success as each has determined. Very well put!

    I know your are one, who lives by all the amazing advice, you present week after week. You have demonstrated ethical actions, in all your supporting activities. I can say from personal experience, that Marc is a wonderful friend with a burning compassion, on how and why things must be done right.

    Your an inspiration in our business. You have empowered unlimited people from across the globe. I for one with over 30 years in this industry. Would never think to find another real hands on leader, that will show others each step to reach, for greatness. You are unbelievable in timing, with this article. Great post!

    I look forward in our developing more mentors, coaches, leaders and visionaries to duplicate the supportive process. Thank you Marc for all you do…

    ****Congrats on making, yet again….The Top 10 Syndicators within TSA.****

    I am dedicated, to our changing lives and developing ethical leaders, to only enhance our mission!

  13. Hi Marc,
    Great article and video. I’m glad one of the 4 pillars the video mentioned was relaxation! These activities can help balance stress tremendously. Informative post, thank you!

  14. Hi Marc,
    Nice article.I fully agree time management and planning is very important in achieving balance in life.But more than planning its the implementation of that plan which is significant.I may make 100 plans but if i don.t execute even 1 of them they are useless.

  15. Hi Marc,

    Really great article!

    This is something I really need to figure out. Lately I have been totally consumed with launching a business and I’m getting burnt out a bit. I keep pushing the life part back with work and then I find a way to justify it. This article will go a long way to helping me out. thank you.

    All the best,

  16. Hello Marc All of your points above are very well taken. without balance in our life I can’t imagine anything getting done correctly. For me if I don’t get enough sleep I can’t even think straight. I take time out of my day and relax or meditate. Things go much smoother when I do this. When I don’t things are rather rough. It was great to be here this week and by the way thanks for all the great comments you have been leaving for me. They are very much appreciated. Marc Make it a Great Week.

  17. Hi Marc! Excellent summary here! I really like the Brian Tracy quote at the beginning. I think balance is something we all strive for, but never really achieve. As Kevin mentioned above – he has expended alot of energy into getting a new business off the ground, while neglecting the other areas. I think we all do that – we are all led to change and grow – and we do get consumed by one of the above areas from time to time – what’s important is that we take the time to pull back and review the items you have listed above in order to strive again for the balance – there’s an ebb and flow in each one of the areas listed, and each has it’s own time and place. Thanks for posting such a great summary of them all to help us get back on track when we need to. Great job!

  18. Hi Marc

    Thanks for this post.

    Can we really hove a Balance?

    I do have a DVD of James A Ray of the Secret movie call “Harmonies Life”

    What he say is that if you need harmony in your life not Balance if there is
    Balance nothing needs attention and nothing is happening in your life that needs your

    At the end of the movie every thing make sens to you.

    Soon i will make a post out of it and will explain what he mean.


  19. Hi Marc,

    I am reading this at a time when I am feeling a little overwhelmed with so many projects plus a family and time out to wort out.

    Life is very good, and every now and then I ahve to dissapear into nature for a while to get the priorities sorted out.

    A timely article

  20. Hey Marc,
    This is something that I am working hard to do…I have to get myself in balance bad…lol..there is a ton of great information you offered here in this post. I needed to read this today for sure. I know one simple thing that I need to improve on is getting enough sleep….that is work in progress. Thanks for sharing!!! I am happy to share this with others.

  21. Marc
    Great article this was really choked full of good information on taking control of ourselves and our lives. That self control you speak of for me is where it all starts.

    If we can control our thoughts, emotions and actions we have to reach our goals no question about it. Thanks for all your hard work on this post!


  22. Hey Marc! This is an EXCELLENT post.

    All of the things you went over and listed and explained are all VERY important for a well balanced life. I sometimes find myself falling off of these tracks, but I know if I keep taking small steps towards setting them all in motion, it will be a part of my routine eventually. Building quality relationships with many people is very fulfilling to yourself, and very beneficial for your business, it is VERY important. Having a general plan/something to work towards is a necessity if you want to achieve bigger things, it is practically a MUST.

    Thanks for sharing!


  23. Hi there.
    Nice tips you’ve shared there and I’ve been really thankful for your sharing. I never had a great balance between my work and my life. Now I’m trying to get a better balance for my own good. Thanks for your sharing.

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  26. Pingback: Get Your Life Back! 25 Ideas To Achieve Work/Life Balance That Are Sure To Help | MLM News Feed

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