Les Brown On Why People Fail

“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” ~ Les Brown

If you had a chance to relive your life, would you do anything differently?

For most people, the answer is yes. Many people fall short of reaching their potential…but why?

In this following video, motivational speaker Les Brown explains why people fail.

What do you think of Les’s advice?
What are your personal goals, and how can you increase them?
What would you do differently if you could go back in time?

After watching the video be sure to share your comments below, and feel free to pass this video on to friends and family.

So, are you READY TO AIM HIGH ?

There are really just two kinds of entrepreneurs; Average and Exceptional.

What do you think it is that separates the average from the exceptional ?

Here is the Secret..

“Success is not what you do. Success is what you do daily.”

So, follow the advice of Les Brown and make sure to “Aim High” and there is nothing that you can’t achieve.

Basically, exceptional entrepreneurs have a different set of habits. They have success habits that are easily supported by a successful system and a solid team.

So, how do you feel about your team and your marketing system ?

What do you think has gotten in your way from you reaching the level of success in your business that you KNOW you deserve?

How much better do you feel you could perform with an elite team of entrepreneurs supporting you each step of the way ?

Imagine having an elite group of entrepreneurs 100% committed to your success

Do you think that would help you to achieve success ?

Your confidence would sky rocket. Your attitude would soar…
Success always has and always will start with the right ATTITUDE.

Your attitude towards your business, your relationship to it, the way you treat it has everything to do with it becoming a success..IF YOU ARE READY TO AIM HIGH…

Then it would naturally make sense to consider exploring further and conducting your due diligence with our Monitium Success System today.

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THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.

I hope you got some great value out of this post today!

Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.
And don’t forget to share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends and followers!

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To your success,

Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

21 Replies to “Les Brown On Why People Fail”

  1. Marc,

    Great article and perfect video to share. Les Brown is such a great speaker. So sincere and pleasant to listen to and with such inspiring thoughts and ideas. This was a great way to start my day. I also like your quote about Success being the result of what we do DAILY not once a week or once a month or whenever we feel like it, but every single day. I think Les Brown is also the one who said “An apple a day means an apple every day, NOT seven apples on Saturday!” I also with you the best success with your Monitium Team and Organization! P.S. Looks like I have the fortune to be the first one to comment on this post!

    Take Care,

    Jupiter Jim

  2. “Success is not what you do. Success is what you do daily.”

    I think this is one the most revealing statement I have heard in a long time. And it is so true. I would add to that that consistency is a determining factor in our success as it is not recommended to work in patches, and then stop only to start again. Constant daily work is the name of the game.

    Great post as usual,

    Keep the Smiles,


  3. Another great post Marc – I always enjoy hearing from Les Brown! Your question about what would we have done differently really gave me a ‘AHHA’ moment because I realized how a single decision I made many years ago sent me in a dramatically different career path than the one I’d been on … do I ever regret that decision … well, the other path promised a LOT more money, but the road I ended up on held more personal fulfillment and caused me to step so far out of my comfort zone some days I don’t even recognize the person I used to me in those days. Ha! Now I’m working on the money part 🙂

    • Hi Marty,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Les Brown is always very motivational and inspiring. I’m very happy that you enjoyed the post and shared your own story.

      If you choose the path that you are passionate about and affords you the personal fulfillment, the money WILL follow.

      We all have many things that we would do differently and I know I would have made different career choices myself.

      To your continued success,

  4. Great video, Les Brown is really very inspiring. The that last sentence he said was so powerful. “Most people fail in life not because they aim to high and miss most people fail in life because they aim to low and hit!! And some don’t aim at all….” So true.


    • Hi Jeffrey,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Les Brown IS very inspiring. I also love that comment and it is very true.

      Many people could be so much more successful if they were willing to do the work and do it consistently. It is just a matter of developing good habits and that can be achieved with consistent ACTION.

      I look forward to your next visit,

  5. Hi Marc,

    Thank you for your post on Why People Fail featuring Wes Brown. There are three quotes I would like to take note:

    When he asks the question “How many of you know that if you had your life to live over again you could do more than what you’ve done thus far, raise your hands please.” When the entire audience raised their hand, including me, he says what we accomplish in life is just the tip of the iceberg for us and much more is possible. This made me realize that, yes much more is possible!

    He asks us to set goals, one personal, one in business and one in social contribution. He says Horace Mann says “We should be ashamed to die until we’ve made some major contribution to human kind. This led me to thinking more about contribution. One of my life goals has always been for me to have the capability of being in a position to make a major contribution to people, either financially or by support.

    He says, people don’t aim too high and miss. Many people fail because they aim too low and hit and many don’t aim at all. I’ve heard the saying “You can reach for the stars.” I suppose that is a way to say aim high, and I agree with Mr. Brown that most people aim too low.

    Raena Lynn

    • Hi Raena,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      This is a great video from Les Brown. He makes some very profound comments in this brief video.
      I love his comment ” people don’t aim too high and miss. Many people fail because they aim too low and hit”

      It is so important to have lofty goals, but we can start out slow and have smaller victories and gain confidence. With growing confidence will come the desire to achieve more.

      If you are persistent, consistent and take DAILY action, so much can be accomplished. But, too many people are too easily satisfied and not willing to do what it takes to succeed.

      To your continued success,

  6. I love the line that success is not what you do, but what you do daily!

    That is so true!

    So many people think they did something successful for a day, and deserve a successful life. It is more than that! Success is a lifelong pursuit one day at a time.


    • Hi Andy,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Yes, success comes to those who treat their business as a serious business and take ACTION on a DAILY basis.

      It is all about consistency.

      Keep Schmoozing,

  7. Hi Marc,
    I haven’t seen Les Browm in many year and I have forgotten what words of wisdom her has to offer. I find most people don’t even bother to a shot at a better life. It always reminds me of the quotefrom Thoreau ” Men lead a life of quiet desparation and go to the grave with the song still in them”. Thanks for the great post. You sparked one of my passions that I had long forgotten, reading the classics and writing short stories!

  8. Hello Marc

    Les Brown always shares golden nuggets that will make a difference in your life and he does so in this video. His statement ,” the how is none of your business”, is a golden nugget. Most people spend more time on the how and when they do the focus moves away from the goal. We get so busy on the how, we don’t see the way to the goal. This quote, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”, help to me to stay focused on the goal.


    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City

  9. I love that quote, “Success is not what you do. Success is what you do daily.” I’m sure my downline get tired of me preaching that to them all the time. Even on days when I have other plans and only have a small amount of time, I always check and respond to email and do a couple quick tasks. It’s the daily action that brings success.

  10. Les is very inspirational! I agree with what you said about successful habits. That goes for just about anything in life. Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. Thats what makes them extraordinary. I think once most people buy into that, it can transform lives. Thanks for the motivation!

  11. Marc,

    That last statement hit me like a bolt of lightening. “Most people do not fail because they aim too high and miss. They fail because they aim too low, and hit.”

    I have always aimed quite high. I secured a college teaching job when others didn’t even consider going beyond elementary education. But only recently have I realized that I could have aimed much higher, but didn’t know it. Now, the world, the sky is the limit for me – and it is exciting.


  12. I actually saw Les present 2 years ago.. I loved it! What i like about what he says here is the how to in achieving your goals is “none of your business”. I do think that we get stuck on the how way too often. And of course he says that we aim too low. I think that is also very true… I work on myself daily and my business too. Although I do get sidetracked sometimes and I certainly know it when i get back in to it. Thanks for a great post, Marc!

  13. Marc, no doubt you have heard the saying !a journey starts with the first step” but I never think that that is quite enough. I see so many people take the first step and sign up for some business or other. They are very keen, maybe even take a few more steps then they quit.

    So it is not the first step that determines our success or failure but it is much more about taking a step each and every day and it becoming a habit. Maybe it is the 100th step that will be the success one but it is rarely the first.

    • Hey Trevor, I understand what your saying, At this present phase of my journey, I am walking where ever I need to go, besides Church services: we have a member who gives us a lift.

      But the statement is still intact and quite accurate: “The Journey of a thousand miles begin with one step” It’s the person like me who see the goal in mind ; say I am heading to the local library to use the computer for an important business e-mail. My goal is set and so I dress then step out my door with everything in a little sack, placing one foot in front of the other. For me and my “Library goal” I can’t stop and stand there…but I could turn around and say to myself , forget it.

      You are right however when it comes to many things here. In my online MLM,( I am sure in many others here) folks begin, They take the first step, The first step is not just to look at my site and watch the video…. The first step for me is to Take out your Credit or debit( your feet are in the air) Then choose the Card option you want ( Your feet are moving forward) Then make the purchase.(Your feet has hit the pavement) That’s the first step.

      And Trevor : I agree with you 100% …after they begin with that step they loose focus and heart or vision for the reason they took the step in the first place.
      “Where there is no vision the people perish” The Bible

      Kirk Young

  14. Hi Marc

    Thanks for the great info, I am a great fan of Les, And that is
    100% what he so to many people aim to low and want to
    how to answer before the aim. love what he say “It is non of your Business.”

    I find a team that will help me to get to my dream and Goal
    and Les is part of that team that i will meet soon.

    Best Regards

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