Do You Know Your E.V.E. Ratio ?

“Personal development is your springboard to personal excellence. On-going, continuous, nonstop personal development literally assures you that there is no limit to what you can accomplish.” ~ Brian Tracy

What is the EVE ratio?

EVE is an acronym which stands for your Education Versus Entertainment ratio. It is the ratio of the dollars you spend on education and personal growth versus the dollars you spend on entertainment each month. Many Personal Development advocates believe your EVE ratio will, in many ways, determine your destiny.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans are happily entertaining themselves into the poorhouse.

As you learn about your EVE ratio in the video below the question to ask yourself is, “Am I spending my time and money on activities that are tension relieving or goal achieving?”

As always it’s your time your money and your choice, but choose wisely it’s also your future!


The Personal Development Industry is a multi-billion dollar business that you can now be a part of.

Personal development and success modeling are the hallmarks of all successful people. Successful people never stop learning.

This does not necessarily mean “formal” education. Actually formal “grade” level has little to do with your personal or financial success.

In fact, some of the richest people in the world never finished school. Case in point…Bill Gates dropped out of college. But did he stop learning? NO! Has he been successful? Well… I’ll let you answer that one.

For successful people, life is an endless adventure of self improvement.

People all over the world are becoming increasingly more aware that they must continue learning and educating themselves throughout their lives in order to achieve long-term success in the field of their choice.

I hope you got some great value out of this post today! Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.
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To your success,
Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627


About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

20 Replies to “Do You Know Your E.V.E. Ratio ?”

  1. I admit the term EVE Ratio is new to me, but I certainly understand the meaning behind it. I’m a lifelong learner so this resonates with me in a very personal way.

    In fact I think one of the biggest challenges I had when I first began developing my blog was getting to a point where I knew I’d never learn all I need to learn about doing business online because it’s constantly changing – so at some point you just have to take action and then continue to learn as you go and grow.

  2. Hey Marc!

    I like this EVE-Ratio model to meassure what’s going on in peoples lifes. I just remember often in the morning when I drive off to work I tune into the local radio station and hear between the current song tunes how the dj’s prepare the listeners for the weekend… Yeah the weekends where work is done and entertainment and relaxation shall happen… And now consider millions of people tuning into these stations which are spread all over the world… Never heard the dj’s ever talking a second about personal growth… this is against the nature of this industry… hahaha. What I want to express with that little example is that people need to read and hear such content as above and wake up and start pulling the calculator and determine how high or low their EVE-Ratio is to know where they heading… Let’s spread the word! Thanks for coming along with this brilliant post.

    All the best,


  3. Oh no ! Does that mean I have to give up my french vanilla morning cappacino? Oh no !! Seriously this is a wise point to make. I don’t think we realize how much we spend on something that is not moving our businesses forward. Apparently when the economy is bad the sale of beer and spaghetti goes up. Your in financial straits buy beer. Dumb !

    Thanks Marc. Another great post and fantastic point.

  4. I saw Boyd Matheson live at a convention and have from that point forward liked his style and message.

    This is a great exercise for us all to take. The EvE ratio drives prosperity and self development. Life long learning is a privilege to be respected. Too many feel that once out of school learning stops. With so much change and innovation in the world you really can’t afford to stop learning, developing and improving.

    Thanks for pointing this out Marc.


  5. Hi Marc,

    This is a really good promotional video for iLearningGlobal TV. It seems like a really great resource for personal development education. I appreciate the question, “Am I spending my time and money on activities that are tension relieving or goal achieving?”

    This is an interesting concept. The Education versus Entertainment Ratio needs a serious look in order to add more richness and balance to our lives. I’m not a person who has ever spent a lot of money on entertainment. I know people who attend at least one concert a month or they regularly pay for tickets for sport events, or attend the movies regularly. Entertainment expenses can add up quickly, not to mention the money needed to get to the events and sometimes there is overnight expenses and food costs.
    I have always been one who preferred to spend my money on self-improvement.

    After watching the video and reading this article, I reflected back upon some of the resources I used in previous years. In the 80’s I listened to Tony Robbins first cassette release on Personal Power. Who knew then what a powerhouse Tony would become! I listened to the series several times. That is only one example not including all of the books. You name them, I read them. A few of the popular ones are Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The Magic of Thinking Big. I love the classics!

    It is essential to have a balance between personal and business goals. Entertainment should be a part of the plan, but the importance is the ratio and if you are spending too much on entertainment, as most people do, it is time to figure out your ratio and make some changes!

    To me life is an adventure of self-improvement. It is a satisfying path and the core of it all is that the more we improve ourselves the better we are able to help others. Thanks for sharing.

    Raena Lynn

  6. Hi, Marc,
    loved your post, as I learned something new here. Didn’t hear for the term E.V.E. ratio before…hmm…which might seem as if I am spending more on entertainment than education, but it is quite the opposite. I think I rather spend money on books than on going out for a coffee or to the movies. Although, it all depends…it’s hard to count how much money is spent in both categories, as I have quite a big book library, but I’ve also drank lots of coffee while hanging out with my friends.

  7. Great post, Marc! You are so right about that ratio. I know that I spend at least one hour every day on the education aspect. When I’m not working, the ratio tends not to be as good, but when I am, my best guess is that it’s a 1:1 or 2(ent):1(ed) ratio, depending on the day.

  8. I really like the term Marc and that makes a lot of sense. I have recently started planning my day with Personal Development at the beginning so that I am in the right frame of mind once I get to the desk.

    5 years from now we will be only as different as the effort we have put into the change and that means reading all the books, listening to all the cd’s, etc that improve our mindset.


  9. Hi Marc,

    My first MLM mentor, Dale Calvert, in his trainings would always talk about how many people that are, what he called , thumb sucking complainers who waste their time sitting in front of the income reducer/idoit box or the Television, or as I say, Tell-A-Vision.

    Many people, I guess, do not realize, we all have a vision, either our own or somebody else’s. And if you do not take control of you own vision through personal development, the TV reality shows are more than happy to oblige you with their version of life or their vision.

    Again my mentor was big on personal development.

    If you notice, most successful people value education in the forum of personal development. I remember hearing Mike Dillard and many others say they continue to invest in furthering their education, even after they have arrived at a point of success.

    I like what the guy mentioned in the video said, “EARN” is in the middle of the word learn.

    I guess some people either just don’t get it or they just don’t care and end up taking the road of least resistant.


  10. Hello Marc

    The EVE Ratio is a new term for me, but was exposed to the concept of spending more on education than on entertainment early in my life. I can truly say that the returns on education is more valuable than any entertainment dollar spent. Many years ago I was told that entertainment is like putting you to sleep and education keeps you awake to new ways to improve. With the current state of the economy entertainment dollars should be going down and education dollars (not formal education) should be increasing.


    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City

  11. Hi Marc,

    I totally agree that continuing education and personal growth are essential to success in any field. Because time can be exchanged for money, I believe that greatest waste is squandering time on “entertainment” which is not highly satisfying. For example, I try not to watch TV just for an escape. I look for content which is either educational or TRULY entertaining in a memorable way. I love classic movies that are worth watching more than once, and I would rather watch a great movie with meaning for the second or third time than watch a mediocre forgettable movie for the first time.

    I actually find education in fields of my interest to be entertaining as well. Especially because my life revolves around my entrepreneurial ventures and networking, which I call “making friends for a living.” I am passionate about learning more about these things. For example I am excited about the mission of my blog: “Learning and teaching how to turn FB “friends” and Twitter “followers” into REAL relationships. I think you and I will become real friends.

  12. I really don’t have the EVE ratio, due to the mechanical life my entertainment. I feel the ration has to balance the life to spice up the life with lots of fun and also challenging.

    I wish I get trained the way it sculpts in the article.

  13. Marc,

    I agree, more revenue and time should be spent on personal growth. It has been a great advantage of those who understand the true value, in knowledge gain from various venues is priceless.

    It would not matter if you learn from picking up a book on time management. Going to take a class in economics, held at a community center. Communicating with team members, with experience in an area that you need help with. Learning daily is the attitude needed to gain more time, and will become empowering.

    Marc, your right on target with this find. I found the video supporting my journey of continued learning, being at the top of my list. I spend time on educational activities. This drives my passion and gives me the knowledge to share, usable information with others.

    Looking back on where our time and money is being consumed. It shows my pattern of being solid in personal development. I read allot and watch educational videos. I have years of collections, including tapes, books and other learning material. This has become part of my vast library of wisdom. I refer back to many of my books, as a Doctor would before an operation. I am very passionate about being all I can.

    Marc, you have motivated your readers and I, to learn more daily. To place our primary focus on understanding the more knowledge, the better support we can give to others. This is something I live and enjoy. Nothing has changed that for me.

    I look forward in growing and learning from everyone. Yet, Marc your a fantastic researcher and mentor in our industry. The energy you put into your projects, are well known and appreciated globally. Thanks for sharing another powerful find.

  14. Hi Marc,

    Another awesome post of yours that I thoroughly enjoyed and learned from! The EVE Ratio concept is new to me; however, ongoing learning until the day I die and continuous personal development is not! With these two aspects in one’s life, there is no such thing as “retirement”, just ongoing development! As you so perfectly state, “life is an endless adventure of self improvement”. My downfall though is the imbalance of education and work over entertainment. I need to bring more fun back into my life and stop working so hard!

    Playing outdoors every second that I can is my entertainment but with the imbalance I’ve created between work and play, I believe makes me less productive. So it’s time! Time to create balance with entertainment that contributes to prosperity and fulfillment; to get back to sailing, hiking and camping and I can’t think of a better time than now to do just that during this beautiful summer!

    For me, the return on investment for entertainment does relieve stress and bring balance into my life. I get the gist of the comfort addiction that Boyd Matheson mentions and I’m certain if I dig deep enough I can come up with a dollar amount that gets wasted on entertainment; however, it’s so minimal. My dollar amount spent on education, languages, books, seminars, classes, conferences, online workshops and professional development far exceeds entertainment. So, I do have a ratio imbalance. The ROI on too much work and no play, which inevitably creates stress and therefore reduced productivity, does need to be examined and balance brought into play. There definitely is a dollar amount attached to this.

    Thanks for bringing my attention to the success modelling aspect of our industry and making me think!


  15. Wonderful post, Marc

    This is a great way to point out why so many people fail to achieve success. Continual personal development is essential to success in our fast paced world. If we don’t keep learning, we will be quickly left behind.

    As jobs dissapear and more are forced to pave their own way in life, ongoing education becomes even more important.

    The one catch. There are so many choices out there, you can get totally conused as to which path to take and end up doing nothing!

    Better pick something and start, in my opinion.

  16. That is an interesting idea. I am sure my money is off whack for entertainment versus education, but my time is off whack the other way. I sometimes do not spend a lot of money on education every month, but a lot of time reading books, blogs, video trainings, etc. I do 1-2 trainings every year to help me sharpen my skills, so the remainder of months are out of whack.

  17. Hey Marc – I have never heard of EVE before so this post was very cool for me to learn about. I spend way more on my personal development education every month than I do on entertaining myself. I am a firm believer that mindset matters and therefore work on it every day. Now I have a cool new acronym to apply in my mind when I am looking at my purchases!

  18. Hi Marc
    I’ve never heard of EVE ratio but its an interesting concept. I have never stopped learning and never want to. Continued learning and self development has helped me through lots of trials in life. I know a lady in her 90s who recently started yet another degree. She’s an incredible person to know. I’m a life long learner. Thanks for sharing Marc

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