How Do You Develop A Great Character ?

“Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.” ~ Jim Rohn

What is character?

Your character is the degree to which you live your life on a daily basis consistent with high, life-enhancing values. A person who lacks character is one who compromises on higher values in favor of lower order expedience, and is not a person of principle or has no values at all. How firmly you hold onto what you believe to be right and true is the real measure of the person you have become.

Character is an evaluation of a particular individual’s moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good behaviors or habits. Moral character primarily refers to the collection of qualities that distinguish one individual from another.

A strong character in daily life is a positive influence upon others. However, our character also influences our own lives, often unseen, moment by moment, for our inner strength determines our actions, attitudes, and ultimate growth.

Every choice, every decision you make creates the outcomes you have in your life. Take personal responsibility and be accountable.

Personal responsibility is the most important ethic you can exercise and is a direct result of your values and belief system. With the cultivation of personal responsibility comes growth in all areas of life. It is a matter of taking charge of your own self and your circumstances through well-directed thoughts, words, and deeds.

If you want be looked upon as a strong Leader that people can rely on,  you must build a strong and lasting character and you will be in a position to help develop strong values in those that you lead.

Please watch the following video by Brian Tracy as he discusses the importance of Values, which is the basis for your moral character..


Here are 10 examples of actions that build a strong and lasting character…
by Steve Brunkhorst

1. Practice patience when those around you are hurried.
2. Act with faith and diligence when others show mistrust or lack of commitment.
3. Be gentle when you meet with cruelty and harsh temperament.
4. Be courteous, even when others do not show courtesy.
5. Give generously to those who have nothing to give.
6. Communicate peace to those who are saddened or anxious.
7. Express gratitude for every experience and person you have known.
8. Act with self-control when dealing with those who are out of control.
9. Be encouraging to those who are discouraged.
10. Act with self-discipline, even when it is difficult to take correct actions.

I hope you got some great value out of this post today!

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To your success,
Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

Click Here To View The Best Of Brian Tracy

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

25 Replies to “How Do You Develop A Great Character ?”

  1. Marc,

    In my opinion, the only way to develop character is through experience; usually trying ones. You’ve listed some great tips to help one build character. Anyone can take away something positive from this post. Thanks!

  2. Marc,
    I agree, that character is displayed by how one carries themselves. This is not something you can learn by reading books and listening to tapes. You must be transparent in all actions and hold yourself up to a higher standard than others are willing to.

    They way one would support others without being asked. Looking daily to give by all ethical means to those who require assistance in some area in their lives. Not, slamming that door on folks when the are at the gas station asking for some change. Not looking the other way when a person falls down in the middle of a busy sidewalk on a sunny afternoon.

    You must see others good and not look for bad things within. Knowing that all things are possible even changing your ways for the better well being of others.

    Marc, this is a powerful post and one that will get allot of responses. I thank you for bring this subject to light. This is going to have your readers and I take a good look at those who are our mentors.

    Thanks for all the support you give and continue delivering quality content like this one.

  3. Hi Marc,
    Great post. I really found your article very valuable and your 10 examples of actions that build strong and lasting character are superb. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful article.

  4. Hi Marc, great post.

    Personal responsibility is the most important ethic you can exercise! This says it all for me,……..

    Attitude and Gratitude are two main Key factors in building a strong and lasting character.

    Very nice examples of actions that Steve Brunkhorst shares for building a strong and lasting character…
    Thank you for sharing this motivating article, and your always support.
    Irene Kusters Berney

  5. Great list of qualities to aspire to Marc … everyone I’ve known who’s even come close to these qualities has started out with a strong self of confidence and trust in their own judgement. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Hi Marty,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      It is very difficult to make the commitment and take the responsibility for your actions and to be a strong Leader if you don’t have a lot of self confidence and faith in your judgment and decision making ability.

      When you live your life in harmony with your belief system and your values and have the respect of others, it is a great satisfaction and helps to bolster your self confidence and when you are confident, you can accomplish so much more and give of yourself much more freely.

      To your continued success,

  6. As you can see those characteristics you have shared is factual, this information should be followed by others for them to become responsible. but i totally agree with this, thanks for this brilliant info.

  7. Hello Marc

    Napoleon Hill) said, “Character is to man what carbon is to steel.” and that explains why to be looked upon as a strong Leader one must have character. I have found that acting with self-discipline, even when it is difficult to take correct actions has help me to develop my character. Having one’s values in the proper order as Brian Tracy explained makes a difference in life.


    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City

    • Hi Perry,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Every great leader in history has had to become a master of self-discipline and willpower in order to stay focused on the big picture.

      Having a strong character and working at keeping it aligned with your values and belief system is probably the most important trait of a strong leader even when it is difficult to make the correct decision.

      Even Leaders have to work at becoming better Leaders and need to improve their skills every day.

      to your continued success,

  8. Marc,

    Character is a state of mind. It is something you develop within yourself after practice. After a while you put your character into play and turn into a wider philosophy.

    • Hi Andy,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      It is very important to be accountable for your actions and to strive to be the best you can be. It is something that definitely has to be practiced every day and refined in order to become fully realized.

      If you continue to form your character and live your life consistent with your core values, you will have a positive influence on those around you and will have developed one of the key ingredients of becoming a strong Leader.

      To your continued success,

  9. Hi Marc,

    These are indeed great qualities for character building.

    When it comes down to it, knowing we are true to our personal valules is probably one of the most satisfying things in life. Regardless of results, it is who we are and how we present to the world that has the ability to create positive change o others.

    • Hi John,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I absolutely agree that being true to your personal values and having that strong belief system and living your life consistently and aligned to your values gives you a wonderful feeling of self worth and will create an atmosphere where others will believe in you and trust and follow you.

      To your continued success,

  10. For me Leadership is one option, for example in your own business, once you can control all you personnel in doing perfect output of any job they have, you have the right to become a good leader.

  11. I always seem to get something good and positive out of your blog posts Marc.

    While I can’t say that I have mastered every one of the 10 principles of character there are several with which I can identify. I’ll have to work on incorporating the remainder. I would venture to add one more, and that is taking responsibility for your own actions. It seems to me that there are a plethora of people who find it easier to blame than to take responsibility. And in my opinion great character also comes from the ability to own your own actions.

  12. Marc ,
    Values and character are inextricably connected. If someone tells you what they value most, you begin to know what to expect from them. I am amazed at how many people do not value hard work, discipline and persistence. Many people want immediate gratification without realizing that there is such a sweet sense of victory and accomplishment and joy when it has taken awhile and you have overcome all sorts of roadblocks and obstacles on your path to success.

    Thanks for a wonderful post and I loved Brian Tracy’s video.


  13. Hey Marc

    The funny thing is that I know some very successful people who have no character, but then I know many times more who do.

    If you want to convince others to work with you they are going to judge you based on your character, so you better have a good one 🙂


  14. That is a pretty comprehensive list! Seems to me it would take a lifetime to develop all those qualities! Oh yeah… character development IS a lifetime endeavour, isn’t it.

    I used to wonder how I could possibly take responsibility for where I am today, when so much of what happens in life is beyond my control. But then I think about losing my son James… that was no one’s fault, and it was certainly beyond anyone’s control… I understand. It is just as you stated here in your blog post… I am responsible for the OUTCOMES. Losing a beloved son… and an awesome brother, as our children did… could result in bitterness or in growth and strength. The choice is ours.

    Same goes for every area of my life.

    Thanks for a great post, Marc!

    Willena Flewelling

  15. Hi Marc,

    I’m shocked that it took me so long to find Brian Tracy. Recently I found his website and subscribed to his blog. He is amazing and I appreciate the video that he presented about values. I know his probably a repeat, but I recently completed a values assessment and I was able to chronologically rank my values in order from 1-10. What I discovered is that life doesn’t work very well when you are forging through values you think are the most important.

    For example, all 10 of my values are really great. However, the top 5 are super great and I recently discovered that I love living my life aligned with my top 5 values rather than 6-10. The last five are not bad. They aren’t’ as fulfilling as 1-5. I’m not sure if that make sense, but for it, it has changed my perspective. If you are marketing and you have not made a values assessment, I say do some research and do it. I’m sure there are many programs online to help you. Of course Brian Tracy will help you too.

    Your list 10 examples of actions that build a strong and lasting character is a great reminder about how we should behave as leaders. Leaders must know their values so they can understand and apply this list.

    Thanks Marc. As always, your posts are greatly appreciated.

  16. Hi Marc,

    Thanks for sharing Brian Tracy’s video on living our values and Steve Brunkhorst’s list of actions that build a strong and lasting character – a great list to implement! Taking responsibility for developing a character of value is so important. It takes a lot of on-going work to be accountable and continually examine our actions. We need to do this so we can make changes for constant growth. It’s so worth the work when we see the results of our efforts and know that the strength of our character positively influences our lives and that of others. This is a great post and reminder and I adore Jim Rohn… the quote is perfect… “character is something [we] must take responsibility for forming”. It doesn’t happen otherwise!

  17. Hi Marc,

    awesome post.

    I like your 10 actions we can take to build character. They are great examples of being responsible – response – able, responding instead of reacting.

    It does require character when we are surrounded by someone who does not display positivity to stay positive ourselves. We would not help anyone by allowing ourselves to join the ‘pain chain’.

    Thank you for making this great information available.

  18. Hey Marc! This is a great post! I love the 10 examples of building strong and lasting character. Looking at that list you realize that people who have great character are people who have character even when they have nothing to gain and are not getting recognized for something. That is a great Brian Tracy video too, I am a huge fan of his. Thanks for sharing this

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