The Importance Of Motivation and Positive Thoughts

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” ~ Mark Victor Hansen

No matter what road we take in life, all of us need to be positively motivated to succeed. This is certainly the case when things are not going our way, such as when projects are not progressing as planned. This is when self doubt can start to get in your mind.

So, what do you do ?

First, you want to stay away from people who are negative. This may even include some people that are near and dear. They may not unerstand your situation and may not give you the support you need. Talking with negative people increases depression and loss of motivation.

Seek out positive, enthusiastic people with a positive outlook on life. You want to surround yourself with people like that in order to succeed. This may be a family member, friend, co-worker, etc. Try to exhibit the same positive and confident outlook on life as this group. You can also read motivational books or listen to motivational tapes or watch motivational videos.

Once you surround yourself with positive thoughts and think in terms of success, it will be time for you to go back to that project that has become an obstacle.

You are what you think about most of the time, so fill your mind with positive thoughts. Leverage the power of positive thinking to increase your sales, achieve your goals, and be the best in your field. Please watch this brief video where Brian Tracy discusses this topic…


Now, you are ready to meet the challenge and find the reason that things were not going your way. Be persistent and it will pay dividends in the long term. If you have the desire to succeed this will inevitably provide the driving force and energy required to get you to where you need to go.

Now, you will have the motivation and enthusiasm to tackle your projects and tasks and you WILL be able to succeed.

This is personal motivation in action. This is the energy and desire working together to achieve a positive result. Being positive generates motivation and when you are motivated, you will produce positive results. If you are negative or surround yourself with negative people, the result will be a loss of energy.

Life is not always fair and can be hard, but always strive to find the positive, even in a difficult situation. Have a positive attitude and a joy for life and associate with positive, enthusiastic, and energetic people.

* This bears repeating…You are what you think about most of the time, so fill your mind with positive thoughts. Leverage the power of positive thinking to increase your sales, achieve your goals, and be the best in your field.

Visit Brian Tracy International

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To your success,

Marc Korn
Network Marketing Coach
Serial Entreprenuer
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

7 Replies to “The Importance Of Motivation and Positive Thoughts”

  1. Well, we are on the same wave-length! Self motivation, self confidence, getting off the track… Maybe it’s because we are seeing so many online that are struggling with so much in their personal lives with this economic downturn, they are having trouble seeing and reaching their goals.

    It also seems that you and I have a great deal in common! So, it will be my pleasure getting to know you better as we strive to help ourselves and others stay positive and live a passionate and prosperous life.



    • Hi Deborah,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting…it is greatly appreciated.
      It’s certainly true that we are seeing more people struggling to overcome their obstacles these days.
      There is so much more to process and deal with, that if you are not focused, it is easy to get off track.

      Also, depending on where you reside, this Winter has added to the dilemma and it is a time of year when many people tend to get down anyway. But, if you are strong minded and motivated and don’t let all the negativity in, especially from so much negative reporting and print media, you can hurdle most obstacles that you are faced with.

      Heading over to your blog now..

      To your continued success,

  2. Hi Honey,

    I’m very proud of you and want you to go for your dreams!

    Continue in your path of success and I will be by your side and I like everything you said about being

    positive; I am working on that, too.

    With Love Always,

    Your Wife,


  3. Thanks for posting this! I’m really working these days on positive thinking. Although I do believe that you can’t just “think” your way to success – you must take action – having positive thinking helps to motivate yourself to do what it takes to find success.

    • Hi Jenny,

      Thanks for stopping by and taking th time to leave a comment..

      I agree, you can’t just “think your way to success”, but if you stay strong and focused on the positive people and events in your life…you will be motivated and you will produce positive results.

      To your success,

  4. Excellent post Marc! You have to stay away from the dreamstealer’s ~ even those that are close family and friends! Not an easy thing to do, yet necessary if you want to move ahead in your own life and with your own dreams and goals. And, on the flip-side, it is absolutely AMAZING what can happen when you do eventually surround yourself with positive, motivating individuals. Enthusiasm is contagious!! 😉 I appreciate you sharing… Christine

  5. Pingback: What Are The 4 C's For Career Success ? | Success One Day At A Time

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