The Importance Of Goal Setting

“Goals.There’s not telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.’ ~ Jim Rohn

Setting goals should be the first action before we start any project. Unfortunately, most people don’t take the time and trouble to sit down and write down the steps they need to take in order to achieve their goals. So, it’s NOT surprising that so many people fail to realize their dreams.

Even if you have a small task, you should use goal setting techniques. This way, when you achieve success with these small goals…you will feel encouraged when you have to attack a larger endeavor. When you set realistic goals and achieve success you will be setting the stage for progress in your life. So, when it comes to your life, this is where you really want to set and achieve your goals.

So, look at where you currently are in your life and map out a plan to achieve your goals.

Regardless of the stage of life you are in and your current situation, you should detail the steps to your goal in writing, on paper. Whether you are closing in on retirement or just about to be married, you will have life goals that you want to realize and each step may require its own set of goals.

Please watch the following video by Brian Tracy…Brian is a world renowned success expert who has written 47 books, worked with more than 1000 companies, and spoken to 5 million people in 52 countries.

Goal setting has 7 Steps.…Watch this video where Brian will give you a step by step guide to achieving your goals.


Setting goals can be stimulating and very rewarding when they are achieved. Even when you are faced with a task that seems impossible, if you set a goal and break it down into smaller steps…you will be amazed how easily you can achieve your goal.

The two main areas for many people are financial goals and personal happiness goals.

Goals make it clear to you what it is that you desire in your life long term. Ideas, beliefs and attitudes may change over time and goals can be adjusted, but generally the original themes remain constant.

Goals are extremely important if you have the desire and ambition to improve yourself. It is very easy to be content with your life and feel that nothing needs improvement.

But, if you have lofty dreams and desires…then your goals are the glue that will allow you to rise above mediocrity and reach your ambitions. Setting goals IS imperative to success in life and in business. Dream your dreams and set your goals.

There is no better time to start than NOW!

I hope you got some great value out of this post today! Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.

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To your success,
Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

Click To Check Out “The Ultimate Goals Program Plus Bonuses

About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

28 Replies to “The Importance Of Goal Setting”

  1. Marc, thank you for sharing this post. We should make this post/affirmation a daily priority. How easily do we shift into a place of sitting on the sideline.
    Taking Action and Doing Something Everyday is my nature, and the results are Quantum! And to remind myself, that we are never to old to learn new things!
    What a great example you have here for everyone, how to build your blog, and all the plug-ins, key phrases, and article writing..
    Keep up the great work, and keep on sending these great reminders to your Team!
    To Everyone’s Success,

  2. Hi Marc,

    A valuable post on goal setting and the clarity it brings!

    Goal setting is the foundation for taking action, without that action it’s difficult to measure the progress of a project and to immediately make necessary changes to achieve the desired outcome.

    Success is the ultimate result of our tasks or projects and when we have outlined and set our goals we can move through any challenges more easily on the way to success. For me, recording them on paper reinforces my goals and makes them real. As I achieve them I not only know I’m making progress, I feel a sense of satisfaction with it and it feels sweet!

    As Jim Rohn so perfectly stated “there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon [your goals].

    Thanks for sharing Brian Tracy’s video on the 7 steps to goal setting… very powerful strategies that I will be referring to often. I love his strategy of writing down 10 very clear goals that I want to achieve in life and then choosing ONE that will make the greatest positive impact in my life. Making this goal my major definite purpose and focus of concentration and something I think about night and day can only drive that goal to success. I’ve not used this technique before, but I can’t think of any other way that is more powerful to achieve my dreams.

    Goal setting is one proficient way to reinforce ideas, beliefs and attitudes and achieve what we desire in our life long term. They help to improve all aspects of our life. I agree with your accurately put statement “setting goals is imperative to success in life and in business”.

    Thanks again for sharing this powerful and insightful information. It is greatly appreciated.


  3. Great information as always Marc. I read in Psychology Today that those who take the time to write down their goals are 300% more likely to achieve them! That is quite an advantage and as far as I’m concerned well worth the time. I also agree it’s important to keep our goals in front of us. I created a small poster with images representing my goals that I have framed and on my desk next to my laptop.

    • Yep… I agree with that wholeheartedly.

      Although I am still to buy that 1/2 million yacht that I have been drooling about and which I is proudly displayed on my wall, right next to the summer vacation home in the island of my wife’s choice!

      I have to decide which one of these two goals I will getting first!


      Keep the Smiles,


      • Hi Stevie,

        Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

        As long as that is your goal ( and a great one) and you have it on that vision board and you take ACTION EVERY day, you are getting a step closer each day to achieving that goal and dream.

        Never stop dreaming,

    • Hi Marty,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      It’s hard to believe that such a simple task like “writing your goals” down on paper could make such a difference..but, it DOES!!

      When you actually write a goal down, it is as if you are programming it into your subconscious mind and activating a whole series of mental powers that will enable you to accomplish more than you ever dreamed of. By writing it down you intensify your desire for the goal and you increase your belief that the goal is possible.

      I LOVE your technique of framing your goals and keeping them where you can always see them…

      To your continued success,

  4. Hey Mark,

    I like it… have a dream, write it down and take action. Love both Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy. I’m glad I dropped by today.

    CoachFreddie… bringing back the American dream… dare to dream big… 🙂

    • Hi Coach Freddie,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m so happy that you enjoyed the post and I hope you will return to the blog or perhaps subscribe to my feed.

      With content from Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy…how can you miss!!

      To your success,

  5. Marc another fantastic subject matter…

    I agree that goals are the key to getting everything done. This goes for business and personal daily activities. Most people never even understand that without this being done daily it is impossible to achieve much in business or in life.

    This is when having a supportive team comes in handy with being accountable for your commitment you gave to the team. They keep you motivated until you develop the ability to motivate yourself. That is maturity level in personal development.

    Just remember you will make allot adjustment on the way. There will be times that your headed in one direction and a light bulb moment changes the steps to make it shorter to accomplish that set goal that would have taken three months now only takes two weeks. It is more enjoyable once you think of it a a daily adventure. Your doing something that you love and have a passion for. This is helping others and you must stay focused.

    Marc, your a powerful leader and one who gets things done on our team. I have had the honor of serving with you and look forward to more of a prosperous future.

    • Hi Bill,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I always look forward to your valuable feedback and look forward to a prosperous journey with you as part of our growing team.

      A truly successful person, team or business will only reach the pinnacle if they understand the nature of continuing education and self improvement.

      Also, to achieve the success and reach our dreams, we must be able to be clear on our goals and follow the steps necessary to accomplish those goals.

      To your massive success,

    • Hi Kiesha,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m happy you found my post helpful. I hope you will visit again.
      You can subscribe to the blog and have my posts delivered to your inbox..

      To your success,

  6. Marc,

    Great content! Brian Tracy is a great mentor. Every time I listen or read anything on goal setting I always walk away with higher vibrations of positive energy and clarity and focus on what is to be done. Although I’ve heard and read this information many times before, it really sank in this time. Thank you for bringing this to your readers.

    Many Blessings –
    Terrific Tonya Heathco
    National Seizure Disorders Foundation

  7. Thank you for such a wonderful insight, Marc. In my horror, I have been tasked by my boss to talk about goal setting next week in our department and now I have a platform to use. Thanks to you. I’ll definitely mention your blog for reference, that’s for sure!

  8. Whether you have a short-term or a long-term goal, it must be specific and measurable. I think these two things must be considered first before the other things. WHY? When the goal is specific, you are required to prioritize which of ALL your goals must be done first. Then, ask yourself, “when do I need this to be accomplished”? Naturally, you shouldn’t set a goal impossible to reach.

  9. Hey Marc

    If someone does not set a goal in life how do they know where they are going.

    I believe writing down your goals make them more real and creates a stronger commitment.

    Sharing those written goals make them more accountable.

    Good stuff Marc


  10. We set a goal in order to have something in life to aim for. It is vital that we strive to achieve something. If we do not then our very purpose to life seems to be missing. Anyway, thanks for posting informative blog like this.. I really appreciated every points that you shared!

  11. Marc, you are so right to include this as one of the most important steps people need to make. There has to be milestones in place which can be used as benchmarks to see if you are achieving your goals. Without that, everything just remains a dream.

    I love Brian Tracey. He’s amazing.

  12. It is amazing the power in writing down goals. I have been in the habit of writing goals for years. I write long term goals then smaller goals that are stepping stones to the larger ones. I also sit down on the first of the month and make a list of things I want to accomplish for the month. It really helps focus when you have a plan.

  13. Pingback: How to Identify Your Goals | 7 Goal Setting Questions | Success One Day At A Time

  14. Great post, Marc! You are so right about the need to focus on our goals, even for small things. After all, what is a big goal other than a lot of smaller goals that come together and work to get us to a much different place?

  15. Great intro post to goals for readers. And I love Brian Tracy. My favorite is the writing down of goals. I believe this is very important. The writing does help bring the goal into fruition. And I also believe in the prioritization of the goal…the what is most important then follow the plan to the goal. Gosh, such a good post. Another things that pops up is the take action – everyday, even if it is something small. This is important for us all to work on everyday 🙂 Thanks for the reminder. VaNessa

  16. Pingback: Time Management: Ten Ways to Expand Your Productivity | Success One Day At A Time

  17. Pingback: Goal Setting - Goal Setting for Personal Success | Free Internet Marketing Techniques and Tips with Michael Harrington

  18. I love the way you elaborate the goal setting, so true, setting up goals first is important things to consider first in achieving goals you want in life.

  19. I nice how you elaborate the goal setting. One needs to focus on this in order to reach his or her goal. And I believe on your post. This will help not just few but many readers for sure.

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