Business Networking: Stop Working the Room

You have addressed the business networking event as another “Room to Work”? What a mistake it could be.

Some experts say that the network could participate in networking events and is ready to “work the room.” Stop and think about that advice. And that’s what you do? This is the first impression you want to send your contact information online? They had only “worked” for you? How do you feel when you’ve been “working”

Stop doing that. It may seem slimy to you and the people who are “working.” And more importantly, it helps build a corporate network.
Not that the network experts false means bad for you. Maybe tell you what they did. Maybe they have ignored or taken the habit of feeling sticky. This is what often happens when you do not know too much or stop thinking about what they do. Just rationalize with mantras like “no pain, no gain.” Sometimes people are not evil. They just stop thinking or worrying about how others see them. How Can You be a good way to build a long-term relationship?


Networking is not the work or the work room is networked people building relationships that are mutually productive in the long term.

Consider the four principles of good networking:

– The networks are based on trust

– Networks are based on relationships

– Networking is built into contact with people

– Networking is people – not houses. And people do not like to be worked!

Work the Room

You might as well just enter the room – shout your name for all to hear then throw your business cards into the air – and then leave with a flourish. You worked the room and let everyone know how little you thought of them. And you did nothing to build a strong network.

Sometimes the event organizers themselves are guilty of forcing you to work the room. They want to sell more events so they bully you to play their networking game. They announce their game: In the next five minutes give your business card to as many people as you can. What a stupid game. If you wanted to do that you would have been better to place an ad in the newspaper or throw your cards in the air.

Real networking is more quality then so is quantity. Networking is not about business cards from everyone in the room. Networking does not even need to be collected for each paper. Yes, you will need to distribute and collect business cards, but the real networking goes deeper.

Make a Better Business Connection

A Sustainable network starts to connect and find common ground. Then you work to build a relationship that can last for years and create profitable opportunities for both of you. Do not focus on the event and does not work in space. Instead treats space as an option. Make some connections and build your network working relationships.

The next time some “networking expert” tells you to work the room – tell them. “Don’t slime me. I didn’t come here for the room. I want to connect with people.”

Stop working the room.  Instead, start building business networks more profitable by establishing real relationships.
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About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

One Reply to “Business Networking: Stop Working the Room”

  1. Sometime to have a good results on your networking campaign it is also important to gain the trust of the people you are talking to and make them comfortable its easier to convince them in this manner.

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