Self Discipline: The Discipline Of Daily Time Management

“The purpose of time management and getting more done in less time is to enable you to spend more face time with the people you care about and doing the things that give you the greatest amount of joy in life.” ~ Brian Tracy

According to Brian Tracy, there are nine disciplines you can develop that will improve every area of your life. We have learned that every exercise of self-discipline strengthens every other discipline at the same time, just as every weakness in self-discipline weakens you in other disciplines as well.

Today, my articles on self-discipline continue as we focus on the Discipline Of Daily Time Management with a little help from Brian Tracy….( be sure to claim your FREE gift posted below the video )

Time management is no easy task. A good time management plan will actually take time to develop and implement. However, be aware that even though you spend much time planning and managing your use of time, it will prove to be an effort that will pay dividends to you…

Because, good time management is the only way to successfully approach any project. This will also allow you to free up time for other leisure activities as you learn to make more productive use of your time.

To achieve all your goals and become everything you are capable of becoming you must get your time under control.

Psychologists generally agree that a “sense of control” is the key to feelings of happiness, confidence, power, and personal well-being.

A sense of control is only possible when you practice excellent time management skills. To change or improve your life in any way, you have to make new choices and new decisions that are more in alignment with who you really are and what you really want.

It doesn’t matter if you are an adult, a teenager, a Home Based entrepreneur or you work in an office, if you master the art of  Time Management… you WILL reap the benefits.

Watch this video where Brian will give you some important tips that will assist in your time management discipline.

* As a Special Gift for being a valued visitor to my blog, I would like to give you a very valuable resource.. a 25 page transcription of Brian’s Eat That Frog

Rule: “Every minute spent in planning saves ten minutes in execution.”
The more you plan, the better you use your time, and the more you accomplish.

1. Begin by making a list of everything that you have to do. The best time to write your daily list is the night before so that your subconscious can work on it while you sleep.

2. Organize the list by priority before starting work. The basic tool of time management is a list, organized by priority, and used as a constant tool for personal management. The fact is that you can’t manage time; you can only manage yourself. That is why time management requires self-discipline, self-control, and self-mastery.

3. Practice the 80/20 rule, which says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your activities.

4. Use the ABCDE method to set priorities. This is based on considering the consequences of doing or not doing a particular task.  An “A” activity is something that moves you toward your goal, the faster and more directly the better. A “B” activity is an activity that does not move you toward a goal that is important to you.

A = Must do – serious consequences for non-completion
B = Should do – mild consequences for non-completion
C = Nice to do – no consequences for non-completion
D = Delegate – everything possible
E = Eliminate – everything you can to free up more time

5. Organize your list by A-1, A-2, A-3, and so on.

6. Start on your A-1 task first thing in the morning.

7. Discipline yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on your A-1 task until it is 100% complete.

8.The discipline of good time management spreads to all your other disciplines. It has immediate payoff in improved results, and long term payoff in terms of the quality of your life work.

Action Exercise

Make a list of everything you would like to be, do, or have in the months and years ahead. Analyze your list and select those items that can have the greatest possible consequences in your life.

I hope you got some great value out of this post today! Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.
And don’t forget to share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends and followers!

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To your success,
Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

Click the image below to check out “Eat That Frog”

Click Here To Check Out How To Master Your Time

+Marc Korn


About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

32 Replies to “Self Discipline: The Discipline Of Daily Time Management”

  1. Pingback: giant twist comfort cs

    • @Ryan Biddulph,

      Hi Ryan,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      It certainly does start with building a list…the simple task of writing things down makes an amazing difference in completing your daily tasks.

      To your success,

  2. Brian: Efficiency is the order of the day. ” Doing more with less” seems to be where we are as a country give the economy. But this theme also applies to the rare commodity of time – which we can never get back.

    So, thank you for the reminder that we all have “mountains to climb” and “frogs to eat.”

    Be blessed.

    • @Sharon,

      Hi Sharon,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.
      It’s always great to see a new visitor to my blog and I hope you will be visiting often.

      Make sure to eat those frogs and make the best use of your time…use it wisely.

      To your success,

  3. Thanks Marc I love that, I have not yet had a chance to read Eat That Frog, but I definitely believe in being organized and setting priorities. If we don’t we find ourselves chasing our tail so to speak and being totally unproductive and easily distracted. I definitely picked up your report thanks!

    • @Lynda Cromar,

      Hi Lynda,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      “Eat That Frog” is a wonderful piece of work loaded with ideas, tips and strategies to help people manage their time wisely and gain control of their day and life.

      Time management definitely is a discipline that we need to master.
      I’m happy you picked up the report.

      To your success,

  4. Really valuable information Marc. I think many people look at what it takes to get a good time management system up and running and start feeling overwhelmed before they ever have a chance to really experience the benefits. It is definitely worth the effort, and Bryan offers some great guidance in that regard. Thanks for this very informative article Marc!

    • @marquita herald,

      Hi Marty,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m so happy that you found this information to be helpful…like anything else worthwhile, people need to implement the procedures and take ACTION.

      To your success,

  5. Great post, Marc! I am working to learn how to increase my time management, because I think Brian Tracy is right. It seems like just trying to fit more things in means that more things will fall into your lap. I read a workbook based on “The Challenge to Succeed” by Jim Rohn, and I was amazed at how much extra time there was if I could only build the discipline to do it. I think mine was 16 hours a week. That’s another waking day! That’s why it’s so important to learn effective time management. Imagine what I could’ve done over the last year with those 16 hours per week.

    • @Steve Nicholas,

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m happy you found value in the post and I hope you downloaded the “Eat That Frog” transcript. It is filled with great content that will help us all.

      You’re correct…the more you try to squeeze extra tasks into your day, the less productive you will be.
      Prioritize and “eat your frog”

      To your success,

  6. I think many people look at what it takes to get a good time management system up and running and start feeling overwhelmed before they ever have a chance to really experience the benefits.

  7. Marc, Time management is key. I agree with everything you and Brian have indicated. I do not normally write my list at night which is not good. I lay in bed thinking about the next days tasks and prioritizing. They should be written down. I do follow many of these things but a refresher is always good even for thoughs that have been doing this for a bery long time. Thanks Marc and look forward to future posts.

    • @Darryl Burgess,

      Hi Darryl,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Writing your list at night is very important, so your subconscious can work on it while you sleep. It will also save you time as you will be prepared and ready to go and free up energy that you would otherwise spend trying to remember what you have to do..

      To your success,

  8. Hello Marc, I really enjoyed your post on Time Management. Why? I believe in it and agree with you and Bryan. I think I will forever be working on this. Making a list. Prioritizing things on the list and endeavoring to get the most profitable things accomplished early. Eating my frog! I think this topic needs to be front and center with me otherwise I create piles and stuff gets buried.
    Thanks Marc for inspiring us to be better more productive people.

    • @Lynn Jones,

      Hi Lynn,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m so happy that you found value in this post….I hope you downloaded Brian’s “Eat That Frog” transcript…great info…

      I’m glad to see that you understand the importance of good time management and practice it.
      It’s not fun to lose control of your day and feel like you got very little accomplished.

      It is very important to use your time wisely…once it is gone, it’s GONE!!

      To your success,

  9. managing your time is an important matter. But in order to do this, you must need to plan and make list of the things you should do in a day. At this point, you can discipline yourself from managing your own time. Bear in mind that you cannot put back the time you wasted if you will not do the right things in your life.

  10. Great advice, Marc.

    Time management is a really big issue for anyone working at home, and internet marketers and bloggers especially.

    I find Brian Tracy’s frog eating advice to be especially important for me, since I definitely suffer from daily procrastination sludge! Thanks for this.

  11. Hey Marc, excellent points on time management. We all know this is important, it just takes a lot of discipline to do it. But once we get the hang of it it’s easy and we improve our lives significantly. Some just don’t get try it when they see fast results but every good thing takes time to get, right? That’s why it has to be worth it too. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hello Marc! Maybe we all start making a list. Write it down, so it stares back at you. It’s hard to forget a good list. I really like the steps.

  13. Powerful advice! The list is what keeps me on my toes every day to keep accomplishing things. However after reading this article there are a few changes I can make to my list that I know will motivate me that much more. The one thing I can never get enough of is time. Its the one factor I wish I had more of.

  14. Hi Marc,

    First off, I love that quote used in the picture. It is so true!

    Something that I need to start doing is making my to do before I go to sleep. I read recently that what you put in your mind just before bed goes directly to your long term memory. I am going to have to give this a try.


  15. Marc,
    Thanks for this wonderful video. Brian Tracy is a coauthor with me (and several other wordlwide authors) in a book, Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality. He writes so well – succinct and right to the point. No wasted words. No self serving claims. Just the meat and potatoes of how to do it. His video presence is the same. So straightforward and clear. He was describing me with my pile of journals and newsletters that I will get to. I do get to read them whenever I take a long plane trip. That is when I have focused time for reading. Otherwise, there is so much, so many projects looming. But just today I ate the Frog. One of my certifications is due to expire by the end of next month. Finally, today, I just did it. The process took me about 3 hours. That is why I had been procrastinating. I needed a good block of time. But I had wanted to use that time for a business project. Tomorrow is another day.


    Dr. Erica

  16. Hi Marc,

    Thanks for posting this. I have been following Brian Tracy and his teaching for a very long time.
    I struggled a lot earlier and kept procrastinating. Eat That Frog is definitely a ‘must read’ and I benefited from it a lot. But every now and then, we still need to be reminded …I have couple of projects to focus and this post came at a very right time…. Thanks.

    All the best,

  17. Hi Marc! In fact time management is one of the key and the discipline also . If we have both we are on our way .
    We will progress rapidly if we know how to manage our time intelligently.
    Thank Marc I always learn when I read your post.
    Helene Martin

  18. Very good pointers Marc. I like the way you organise your articles. Shows a lot of discipline, and make them easy to read.
    I also like the ABC approach to prioritizing. Good read.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. You know I have never heard of the ABCDE method before, very interesting. I will admit though that I have a big problem with TODO lists. Usually I create them and then one of the tasks on the list ends up being “delete the todo list” lol.

    Its hard for me to find a method that really works well with my lifestyle. But I am still working on it.

    Thanks for the great post Mark!!

  20. I used to be very bad in managing my daily schedule. I have read all the books, especially from Brian Tracy (he is my favorite one), but my discipline was super bad.

    I think that we live in crazy world, where you are constantly bombarded with stuff and we learned to be easily distracted.

    I try to have some quiet moments for myself only, where I do nothing…that has helped me slowly to get off the world fast train and suddenly I am able to focus on my tasks. But I can not overwhelm myself, if I do…again big problem.

    What is the most important daily task for you?



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