The Confidence Factor | FREE Personal Assessment By Brian Tracy

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” ~ Brian Tracy

*** This information is EXCLUSIVELY for those who are serious about improving their self confidence and therefore improving their lives ***

Possibly the most important part of the role that your self-concept has in determining your performance and behavior, is the impact of your self-esteem in determining everything that happens to you.

The more you like yourself, the more confidence you have. The more you like yourself, the more efficient and effective you are in each area of your life. Self-esteem is the key to peak performance.

From the Desk of Brian Tracy

Let me start with a question:

Are you currently living your life exactly as you want to, doing all the things you’d ever hoped to?

If not, it may be because self-doubt, fear and lack of self-confidence are holding you back from achieving your dreams.

So, here are 3 life-changing gifts.

The first, “The Confidence Factor,” my personal assessment–it determines how confident you are.

==> Get It Here If You Haven’t Already.

The second, my video, “Your Thoughts Determine Your Actions,” which explains how you can change your whole life just by Changing The Way You Think.

==>   Watch The Video Here.

My Third gift: my special report, “Cultivating Self-Esteem.”

This content-rich report details my proven formula for great self-esteem. This is the most critical part of your personality because it precedes and predicts your performance in almost everything you do.

The best definition of self-esteem: the level to which you respect and value yourself as an important, worthwhile person.

==> Get Brian’s Content Rich Report Here.

Self-Esteemaffects every aspect of your life. People with great self-esteem are sick less often, experience healthier relationships, achieve more goals and feel great. When you have high self-esteem, you tend to be the best person you can possibly be.

“Cultivating Self-Esteem” teaches you:

  • The 6 basic elements of my formula for self-esteem and maximum performance
  • One simple act that raises your self-esteem – and all you need to do it is a pen and paper
  • Where a majority of stress comes from – and how to change your life to increase your self-esteem long-term
  • Why you MUST keep track of each goal-within-a-goal, if you want to increase your self-esteem
  • Why a little healthy competition is a GOOD thing when it comes to self-esteem
  • One of the smartest things you can do to reward your own accomplishments

When you cultivate your self-esteem, you will experience a form of mental fitness and optimism that will sustain you through failure and propel you to success.

==> Download Your FREE Copy Of “Cultivating Self-Esteem”

Imagine … eliminating the fear that stops you from succeeding and then building your self-confidence so you feel terrific in ANY situation and become unstoppable in the pursuit of your goals …

I hope you got some great value out of this post today!

Please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you liked the most.
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To your success,
Network Marketing Coach
Continuous Learning Advocate
Skype: healthysuccess
(973) 879-1627

Click To Check Out “The Science of Self-Confidence“

When you buy The Science of Self-Confidence training kit, you’ll receive 3 special surprise bonuses worth $127.70+ absolutely FREE.


About Marc Korn

Marc Korn is an advocate of continuous learning. Success online and in the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts.... throughout history the common denominator among successful people has been continuing education.Marc is passionate about Network Marketing and helping others.He has learned that Network Marketing is not about recruit, recruit, recruit or sell, sell, sell...but about people.The most gratifying way to achieve success is to help others become successful first.Marc enjoys introducing people to systems and opportunities that will help them to earn additional income working from home.There is no reason why you need to learn it all by yourself. Join Marc and his Tribe mates to see how they can help you.

23 Replies to “The Confidence Factor | FREE Personal Assessment By Brian Tracy”

  1. Some great resources that you have shared here, Marc! Thanks. I am continually working on myself, be it self esteem, confidence or taking action. It is interesting that as am employee I seemed to possess all of the above, but when it comes to working for myself, I have to find a lot more of all of them!!

  2. hi Marc,

    As I read blogs in our community and others, I am always amazed by the number of articles declaring the answer to success, leadership and other personal development keys when it is obvious that the writer is no where near living the life it takes to achieve what they write about. You clearly demonstrate as you go about your daily activity online that you have great self-esteem and you are clearly living what you are sharing and teaching. As we both know, we have to learn and grow ourselves in order to be able to mentor and coach others to success. That is why I love network marketing as an industry because it sorts out the winners from the losers so quick!

    thanks for the valuable and inspiring content and all that you do for everyone online!

    Be Blessed!

    • Hi Clare,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I truly appreciate your kind words and and observation…it means so much to me.

      It is all about being authentic and having integrity and character. Anyone who aspires to be a Leader in this Industry must be consistent and lead by example and remain accountable.

      I have strong values and morals and I try to live my life in a way that is consistent with those values on a DAILY basis.

      You are so correct that if we are going to Coach and mentor others, we must be continuous learners and always strive for Personal growth.

      To your continued inspiration and teaching,

  3. I really appreciate this lesson you have shared Mark , this is very useful specially in developing your personal self esteem. some people lack this , the main point here is we must developed it, by confronting all the challenges in life.

  4. Really good video. I downloaded it to my computer to watch every now and then. Working for yourself can be and emotional roller coaster. It is the only way I would live now, since I am full time with it now, but it is tougher to keep yourself accountable sometimes rather then being accountable to a boss or normal job. I said sometimes.Wouldn’t ever change it.

  5. Enjoyed your article Marc, and as a long time fan of Brian Tracy I always appreciate his teachings. I do think the definition of success is different for each of us, the key is paying due diligence to self-discovery so we know what that actually means.

    • Hi Marty,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m so happy you enjoyed the article. I have been a fan of Brian Tracy for a long time and I am an affiliate for his awesome products.

      I agree that the definition of success is different for each of us, but self esteem is so important to your emotional health that it is a needed ingredient if you are going to be able to discover your true self.

      I look forwards to your next visit,

  6. There’s a lot of good things that will happen to you if you have a high self confidence. Your career will surely boost, your relationship with the opposite sex will be successful and happy, your social life will not be boring. Having some tips on how to increase your self confidence is very helpful. Thanks for this

    • Hi Tanya,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      I’m happy you enjoyed the post and I hope you will subscribe to the blog and visit often.

      To your success,

    • Hi James,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      This is one of the hardest areas to conquer, but once you do, it is a key that will unlock many doors.
      As long as we take ACTION daily and have even small successes, we will gain confidence and when we continue to do that, we will achieve our goals.

      I hope to see you again soon,

  7. Just finished watching the video “Your Thoughs Determine Your Actions”, and all I can say is that it is very nice. I learned a lot of valuable things from it and all of them are worth remembering. That could really help me to improve for the better not only in the way I think, but also from the way I act.

    • Hi Mark,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.
      I’m happy that you enjoyed the video and I hope you will subscribe to the blog and visit again soon,

      To your success,

  8. Hi Marc,

    Thanks for sharing yet another of Brian Tracy’s powerful articles and videos. This one on self esteem is absolutely so valuable and a topic I love!

    Many years ago an old friend of mine, who lived alone, when asked if she was ever lonely responded “No. I quite enjoy my own company”; and, it was obvious she did although she had many visitors and a very active social life. I remember quite well her smile of confidence and her high self-esteem. As an artist, she was very happy immersed in her painting. I not once witnessed her seeking acceptance and she lived her life exactly as she preferred, on her own terms. That friend has now left this planet, however, she remains the perfect model of self acceptance and self confidence. I feel very fortunate to have been able to hear her wise words and have her as my role model at a young age. Cultivating our own self-esteem is a journey made easy and enhanced with the help of a wise and perfect mentor. Then, of course, as Brian Tracy says, thinking about positive, constructive things, our good points and the exceptional person that we truly are helps to realize our full potential and develop unshakeable self confidence.

    • Hi Loren,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your comment…it is greatly appreciated.

      Every time I watch a Brian Tracy video, I am impacted and impressed with how powerful they are. He is truly an inspiration.

      I love the story you shared about your old friend and it sounds like she was a wonderful role model for you. It is so important to have those role models and Mentors throughout our lives at various stages to help shape and develop who we become.

      It is wonderful to be able to feel so comfortable in your own skin and have the self confidence to be able to live your life on your own terms.

      When you have a strong sense of who you are and are self confident, you can live your life consistent with your deepest values.

      Since we are what we think, it certainly is critical to maintain those positive thoughts to reach our full potential.

      I look forward to your next visit.

      To your continued success,

    • Marc,

      Thank you for sharing these wonderful writings and video from Brian Tracy. I am so excited that my chapter is being published in a book featuring Brian Tracy and a few leaders from The Secret. Adventures in Manifesting; Success and Spirituality


      Sometimes it is easier to maintain your self-esteem when you live by yourself and manage all aspects of your life, your own way. However, there is another level of self-esteem that is required within an intimate relationship. A live-in, long term partner, discovers our vulnerable points (and we all have them). How we handle those jabs at our self-esteem, how we respond, how we communicate can either enhance or diminish the self esteem for both people.


  9. Thank you Marc for sharing Brian Tracy’s teachings here. I am not all that familiar with his work, but have loved this introduction to his teachings and I am certainly inspired to read/watch more. Working on your own, can certainly test your confidence and self esteem at times, making cultivating your own self esteem even more important and your post has just given me the boost I need right now.

  10. Hello Marc

    Our thoughts determine our action is a truth when understood will change ones life. Self-esteem is determined by how we think and Brian Tracey gives an excellent exercise that directs us to think about our good qualities. Reading this post and watching the video help us to grow in life.


    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City

  11. Hi Marc,

    Again thank you so much for bringing the wise words of wisdom of Brian Tracy. I appreciated the article on the Confidence Factor (assessment). I also thank you for your free gift. I love coming to your blog becasue I always learn something new that helps me in my business on a daily basis. You always go the extra mile to add substance to your posts! I think you provide one the best resources in personal development on the internet. I especially liked the video because I have great admiration and respect for Mr. Tracy. To highlight some of his mentions:

    1) You can increase your self-confidence and self-esteem immediately by thinking of your good points.
    1) “A person is what he thinks about all day long.”-Emerson
    2) The way you think determines the way you react and respond of things happening around you.
    ~The way you react and respond determines your emotions.
    ~Your emotions determine your actions.
    ~Your actions determine your results.
    3) Happy confident people think about the positive things they have done and achieved over their lifetimes and look forward to accomplishing even more in the future.
    4) Write down your good qualities.
    ~Write down what you’ve accomplished in your lifetime.
    ~Accentuate positive. Ignore the negative.
    5) Think of what an exceptional person you really are, all things considered.
    6) Make a list of all your best qualities. The virtues, values, talents and abilities that make you an extraordinary person, unique from all the world. From now on think about them as the most positive aspects of yourself and your personality and let the rest go.

    This video packs a punch! Whew I feel so good about myself!

    To our uniqueness,
    Raena Lynn

  12. Hey Marc, those are some great resources you’ve linked to from Brian Tracy. He’s got some great stuff, I have several of his programs, and like Jim Rohn he is full of wisdom and humor. Great stuff.

  13. Hi Mark, i love reading your article and thanks for the wonderful video of Brian Tracy. I learned a lot of important things from it. That can help me improve my self confidence and i really appreciate the information that you shared.

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